First paper on juror wellbeing published

In late December 2024, we published our first paper on juror wellbeing. This particular study focused on prior trauma and mental health characteristics of 180 jurors and how these influenced responses to distressing evidence presented in a mock trial.
We are pleased to say that the article, published in the British Journal of Clinical Psychology, has been published and is available to read for free below:
Hannah and Matt also took part in media interviews about the study. We received attention from several media outlets:
PTSD symptoms rise four-fold in jurors exposed to distressing evidence – study | The Independent
PTSD symptoms rise four-fold in jurors exposed to distressing evidence – study | Express & Star
PTSD symptoms rise four-fold in jurors exposed to distressing evidence – study | Daily Echo
PTSD symptoms increase ‘substantially’ for jurors | Press Reader
PTSD Symptoms Quadruple in Jurors Exposed to Distressing Evidence: Study | The Epoch Times
You can also read the Manchester Metropolitan University press release:
We continue to prepare further papers for publications in the coming months and we will keep you updated as we seek to raise awareness of this important issue.